Big Win Dachshunds

"The DogFather You Wish You Had"

Welcome to Big Win Dachshund Breeding LLC
Health, Strength and Longevity is our goal! 
Showing & Breeding Excellence
Generation after Generation.

About Us

Ciao! So, you’ve finally decided to get a Dachshund pup as a new member of your family? Congratulations! You are now in the spotlight of the DogFather. You’re about to choose your own new companion and best friend? You aspire to be a made individual? But how do you ensure that you get associated with a puppy from a reputable and loyal Dachshund breeder family in Alaska? Because in this business loyalty is everything! Capish?

Finding a trustworthy raiser is significant not exclusively to guarantee that you are purchasing a sound pup that will carry on with a decent lengthy life, yet additionally in light of the fact that unreliable reproducing is savage and deceptive.

Aside from these, there are many kennels which have pretended to be affiliated with the American Kennel Club where getting a true dachshund pup is a major undertaking. On the off chance that the ancestry got blended in with different canines, wellbeing quality might diminish.

Our Pups


The Eyes, Chico. They Never Lie

The DogFather Only Feeds Canine Cavier To His Family

Our Videos

In order to experience the highest quality you need to get in touch with Big Win Dachshund Breeding LLC. We have proper knowledge of dachshund puppies and how the breeding program should start at the very beginning. Breeding dachshunds is not just a one night task! These pups are kept together like Famiglia. 

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